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T3M - TUV Tire Temperature Method. A Breakthrough Methodology for Evaluating Tire Robustness, Performance and Wear.


Lars Netsch - TUV SUD Automotive, Munich
Yuji Ito - TUV SUD Japan, Tokyo
Bernhard Schick - TUV SUD Automotive, Munich
Alexander Kraus - TUV SUD Automotive, Munich
Markus Berkmuller - TUV SUD Automotive, Munich


By developing T3M, a unique, patented method for real-time temperature measurements inside the tire structure, TUV SUD Automotive has acheived a breakthrough in evaluating both the robustness and performance of tires. T3M combines advanced proprietary micro-sensor technology with specially developed simulation methods for modelling temperature dependent tire properties. Because there is little correlation between surface or inside air temperatures and those inside the tire compound, conventional temperature measurements have proven to be insufficient for analyzing tire properties. These limitations have now been overcome by T3M allowing measurements 'deep inside' the tire. TUV SUD Automotive's development of T3M is the result of years of extensive research in the field of stress- and wear-induced tire damage as well as preventive strategies and methods. This research clearly shows that temperatures inside the tire structure are the most reliable, measureable indicator of potential tire damage as well as a significant parameter for analyzing tire performance.

The analytical methods used in conjunction with the measurements allow each tire to be awarded an individual sensitivity profile regarding its temperature behaviour: the tire's characteristics temperature '"fingerprint", i.e. the sensitivity of the tire's temperature to changes of various, slelected influencing parameters. The "fingerprint" provides the basis for "temperature mapping" i.e. the characterization and modelling of the tire's temperature characteristics in operating conditions.

This presentation also describes new possibilities for realizing an itelligent tire sensor. A temperature measuring system embedded in the vehicle tires transmits the measured data from inside the tire structure directly to the vehicle via a wireless transfer mode system without active power supply (i.e. batteries). The report addresses the operating principle and new type of technology for packaging intergrated circuits of an itelligent tire electronics system as well as the development stages to realize data acquisition, data transmission and wireless energy supply.

T3M capabilties include empirical temperature modelling to predict temperatures under certain operating conditions as well as dynamic simulations of tire temperatures. In addition to enabling virtual tire robustness as well as tire performance assesments under any forseeable operating conditions, temperature simulation is particularly suitable for predicting the performance of a tire in terms of its temperature-dependant parameters, and making appropriate adjustments ("Closed Loop Simulation"). Such simulation models, for example, may be used to optimize race cars regarding the interaction between the tire, vehicle, track and driver.

Keywords: Tire-Road Contact; Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Tire Properties; Modeling and Simulation Technology

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