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The Mechatronic Tyre for Online Determination of Tyre Contact Patch Forces


Harald Goertz* - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen
Thomas Hüsemann - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen


Apollo is a research project funded by the European Commission under the 5th framework programme "Information Society Technologies" (IST). The objective is to develop a prototype of an intelligent tyre. The overall goals are to increase traffic safety and enable improvements for Vehicle Dynamics Control, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Services for external users by providing data on the tyre and the local tyre-road contact.

The tyre becomes important as connecting and force transferring element between vehicle and road and influences the driving dynamics status significantly. The basic tyre deformation behaviour in operation shows possibilities to determine the current operating status. A high demanding task is the design of evaluation algorithms. These require detailed sensor information and tyre properties.

The design and development of an optical deformation sensor to measure tyre deformation is described and the potential to evaluate wheel load, longitudinal and lateral force is shown. A wireless communication and power supply system is used to transmit the sensor data out of the tyre.

Keywords:Tyre, mechatronic, model, forces, measurement

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