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Design and Construction of a New Measurement Vehicle for Tyre Noise


Tobias Sahm* - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen
Jan-Welm Biermann - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen
Thomas Beckmann - Institut für Kraftfahrwesen


The tyre / road noise meanwhile dominates the exterior noise of vehicles. To lower this significant noise, further investigations have to be carried out. Against this background, the Institute of Automotive Engineering Aachen (ika) together with DaimlerChrysler AG designed and built up a new measurement vehicle for investigations of tyre / road noise. Herewith, it is possible to detect and optimise the most effective acoustic parameters for tyre / road noise, completing the existing tools for analysis and simulation. Furthermore, it is possible to evaluate the existing tyres in terms of giving recommendations for the use of low-noise tyres in vehicle production. And especially due to the discussion of the new legislation for exterior noise emission in the EU, with higher tyre / road noise impact, a new generation of tyre / road noise measurement vehicle is helpful.

Keywords:Tyre Noise Measurement Vehicle, Accelerated Passage, Low-Noise-Tyres

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