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Intelligent Control of Vehicle Combination Braking Compatibility


Dragan AleksendriC* - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Department
Cedomir Duboka - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Department
Gabriele Virzi Mariotti - University of Palermo, Mechanical Department
Živan Arsenic; - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Department


The braking performance co-ordination between the tractor and its trailer is considered as the most important aspect of active safety of commercial vehicles. A need to improve compatibility behaviour of vehicle combinations leads to better control of the most relevant compatibility disturbing factors and an improved EBS braking forces management would certainly enable to reach the given task. The braking force management strategy between tractor/trailer combinations should be considered as a critical point for further braking compatibility behaviour improving and active safety in general. EBS offers possibilities for further innovative solutions for controlling of tractor/trailer braking systems operation and braking compatibility improving. EBS ability for electronically controlling of the index pressures between the proportional relay valve (front axle), axle modulator (rear axle) and trailer control valve has been used in this paper for introducing a new adaptive control strategy of the vehicle combination braking. This paper deals with adaptive control of the tractor/semi-trailer braking systems performance, based on artificial intelligence, as an innovative approach to manage of the tractor/semi-trailer braking forces to be synchronized at all times.

Keywords: vehicle combination, braking compatibility, artificial intelligence

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