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The New Self-adjustable Shock Absorber-vzn


Adrian-Ioan NICULESCU* - Institute of Solid Mechanics
Dan DUMITRIU - Institute of Solid Mechanics
Tudor SIRETEANU - Institute of Solid Mechanics
Catalin ALEXANDRU - University Transilvania of Brasov


The paper presents the new, filling cylindrical valves and organization solutions for the selfadjustable shock absorber, called shortly VZN, and some simulation results, relative to the standard one.

So an intelligent shock absorber, realized without electronics or mechanisms, grant with European Patent EP1190184B and Romanian Patent 118546 B1, become cheaper and much better than the standard ones. It realizes a semi intelligent suspension at the price lower standard suspension.

It is cheaper because the new structure, with the new filling valve solution, uses fewer and simplified elements.

It is much better than standard ones because the self-adjustable shock absorber confers possibilities of stepwise adjustment of damping force as function as the instantaneous piston position. That means lower damping coefficients at the stroke beginning, for easier medium position arriving for a well adherence, damping coefficients for well correspondence between comfort and adherence, in the medium area, high damping coefficients both adjacent parts at the medium area for better adherence and well axle movement brake, and very high damping coefficients at the ends, for better body and axles protection.

For example, for Dacia 1310, a Romanian car, for rear shock absorbers on compression different adjusting, in the position without weight (c= 333 kg/m), and in full weight position (c=667 kg/m), it confers the same vertical accelerations at the same velocity excitation signal (v=1.5m/s). On the contrary a standard shock absorber confers a vertical acceleration 100 % increased at the same excitation, in situation without weight.

The simulation tests were realized on a two degrees model, using Matlab/Simulink. They show a better body stability-skyhook comportment, better protection at the stroke ends and lower RMS body acceleration.

With other advantages like: decreasing lift/squat at acceleration, decreasing dive/lift at braking, decreasing pick/roll, the automotive self-adjustable shock absorber confers high performances, nearly semi-active suspensions at low costs, nearly standard shock absorbers.

The new elements that will be shown are protected by a new patent request.

The tests on benches and cars will complete the full imagine of the VZN advantages.

Keywords:intelligent shock absorber, non-return valve, metering hole, comfort, vertical acceleration, skyhook, lift, squat, dive, pick, roll.

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