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Brake Durability Test: Full Brake Noise Characterisation


Roger Mateu* - Applus+ IDIADA
Franc Soum - Applus+ IDIADA


In most brake development projects, brake noise is judged by a combination of subjective rating evaluations done by skilled drivers and statistical methodologies obtained from different brake durability studies. Drivers are the most important factor for the final judgement, and therefore they have to be trained to distinguish different kinds of low, medium and high frequency noise. Sometimes this is not easy, and evaluations may differ depending on the driver´s criteria.

This document summarises the development by IDIADA´s brake engineers of an automated acquisition and data processing system which is called dbbrake for the full characterisation of all the ranges of brake noise which appear in a brake durability test.

Keywords:Brake, durability, recording, squeal, occurrence

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