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Design Anomalies of Electro-mechanical Brake Systems


Levente BALOGH - Department of Automobiles, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Tamas STRELI - Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
David LENGYEL - Department of Automobiles, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Huba NEMETH - Knorr Bremse Research and Development Center Budapest
Laszlo PALKOVICS* - Knorr Bremse Research and Development Center Budapest


This paper analyses the behaviour of the electro-mechanical brake system based on model calculations as well as on physical prototype. The main driver of the analyses is the demand on the specification for electro-mechanic system. Today there is no exact requirement list available; many points are still open concerning the current consumption, safety solutions in case of loss of control. The specification for air brake system is the one that could be applicable for electro-mechanic system design. However to develop the electromechanic brake according to the air brake requirement is also not the best solution. A separate measurement based specification has to be created for electro-mechanic system as well.

Keywords:electro-mechanic brake, self-amplifying, air brake, brake system, specification

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