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Tests - Outdoor Vehicle Passenger Car


Michel Gothié* - CETE Lyon
Martin Dodd - TRL
Federico Mancos - Pirelli SrL


VERTEC (VEhicle, Road, Tyre and Electronic Control systems interaction: increasing vehicle active safety by means of a fully integrated model for behaviour prediction in potentially dangerous situations) is a research project (2002-2005) founded for the most part by the European Union (EC 5th Framework research project). The expected "integrated" exploitation of the most advanced technologies to improve Transport Safety meets mainly the general objective of EU to reduce road fatalities. The aim of the project was to increase vehicle primary safety by developing a fully integrated model for the simulation of the roadtyre- vehicle-driver system in the most potentially dangerous situations. As part of this project a programme of tests were carried out to fully assess the behaviour of the reference car in different environmental conditions. These tests were successful in providing a database of results, which helped to design, develop and validate the best possible models for the vehicle, tyre, driver and the road surface. They also gave an indication about the efficiency of the electronic devices, which can help the driver. This paper summarises the key results from the different manoeuvres carried out during WP3 of the VERTEC project.

Keywords:Safety, Vehicle, Electronic, Manoeuvres, Road surfaces

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