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Developing a Hazardous Goods Monitoring System for the Austrian Tern – Project Shaft


Juergen Zajicek* - arsenal research


SHAFT (Standardized Hazardous Goods Transport Alerting Field Trail) develops a prototype for the monitoring of hazardous goods on the whole Austrian road network. A system concept is developed that allows involved authorities and operators to get information about the position and the status of each heavy goods truck (HGT) on the Austrian TERN.

The project funded by the Austrian Ministry of Transport Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) focuses on the development and the demonstration of a monitoring system for heavy and hazardous goods transport including a tracking and tracing system that controls all HGT using the Austrian TERN over the whole transport chain. The risk potential of each transport is assessed based on the information of their loaded goods (standardised electronic way bills). If two or more HGTs heading in the same respectively in the opposite direction meet, the system will be able to stop the transport with lower risk levels and will let pass the "high risk" HGT to keep the possible impact potential of an accident on a low level. The system also stops, warns or reroutes HGTs in case of the closure of particular road sections or of other unforeseen incidents. An index to evaluate and identify the risk potential that relates to each HGT will be implemented. Due to this monitoring approach the HGS is able to provide all relevant authority and rescue teams with information needed for response. Due to the open system architecture, a European cross-border Security management can be implemented by connecting all relevant data of the involved countries at a high level. The project started in February 2005 and will end in December 2006.

The System Architecture consists of

  • a vehicle mounted On Board Unit (OBU),
  • tunnel centres equipped with control units to manage the tunnel passage and
  • a centralised hazardous goods database (HG-DB) collecting all relevant data and information of each hazardous goods transport, evaluate their risk potential of each transport and track and trace their position along their journey on the road network

Keywords:Hazardous goods transport, Hazardous goods monitoring system, transport telematics, road safety, security

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