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To Study some Aspects on the Vibration System of T=the 8 Seat Minibus Producing and Assembling in Viet Nam and the Influence of Some Nonlinear Parameters on it.


Hung Anh TRAN* - The Hanoi University of Technology.
Trong Minh NGUYEN - The Hanoi University of Technology.
Ngoc Khanh DUONG - The Hanoi University of Technology.


Now a day in Vietnam there are many auto-companies, not only the JVs company and the domestic company producing and assembling automobile. Every year over 80,000 vehicles are made and sold out. The 8 seat minibus is one. The group of young engineers of Hanoi University of Technology is now working for the state research work KC05.DA13 on designing the 8 seat minibus. In this technical paper the authors would like to present some results of the calculation and experiments of the vibration system for the above minibus and the influence of some nonlinear parameters on it by using Matlab_Simulink 6.5.

Keywords:Vibration, nonlinear parameters, Matlab_Simulink 6.5.

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