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Flame Propagation Velocity of Natural Gas – Air Mixtures in Combustion Chamber


Bronislaw Sendyka* - Institute of Automobiles and Internal Combustion Engines, Cracow University of
Marcin Noga - Institute of Automobiles and Internal Combustion Engines, Cracow University of


The elaboration contains analysis of investigation results of combustion process of natural gas and air mixtures. Investigations were carried out for charges of stoichiometric composition as well as lean ones of various initial pressures in the combustion chamber starting from 1.5 [MPa]. The temperature of the chamber charge before ignition was that of the surrounding, approximately 20 [°C]. Ignition of the mixture was initiated by a spark from the ignition spark plug supplied from the ignition system of increased spark discharge energy. Measurements comprised digital record of the pressure traces in the chamber during combustion process.

Basing upon the obtained pressure traces in the chamber during the combustion process the mean value of flame propagation velocity in the chamber was calculated in dependence on the charge composition and initial pressure in the combustion chamber. Evaluation of the obtained results permits, to certain extent, to evaluate potential possibilities of combustion of a given mixture

Keywords:Natural gas, lean mixtures, combustion, flame propagation, velocity.

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