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Analysis of the Increase of Combustion Engine Total Efficiency with Atkinson Cycle Applied in the Hybrid Driving System


Bronislaw Sendyka* - Cracow University of Technology
Andrzej Sochan - Cracow University of Technology


In this paper was presented the increase of total efficiency of the second generation combustion engine working in hybrid system compare to combustion engine of the first generation. On the base of the working field calculated from closed indicator diagram and educed heat, further analysis of efficiency increase was made in defined scale of rotational speed. This analysis was prepared by using pressures measurements of the entire cycles engine´s work in whole scale of rotational speed. Secondly, defining the piston track from the ankle of crankshaft rotation there was elaborated the closed indicator diagram. The heat in this cycle was calculated on the base of course of pressure and by using monosphere mathematical model. Analysis of working cycle presents that the increase of charge mass at the beginning of the combustion process considerably contributes to rise of engine efficiency. Received results of calculation describe the change of parameters of combustion engine in hybrid system working in defined of rotational speed. In order to provide precise analysis the statistical error was corrected and also the influence of the charge loss to measured process was considered.

Keywords:Combustion, Atkinson cycle, analysis, efficiency, engine

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