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Nox and Efficiency Optimization for Haji System using a Particle Swarm Optimizer


Pouria Mehrani - University of Melbourne, Australia, University of Melbourne
Harry C. Watson - University of Melbourne, Australia, University of Melbourne


Modeling has become an essential tool in optimizing engines as the number of design and control variables have increased along with more stringent demands for low emissions and fuel consumption. Our recent attempts in optimizing an engine´s operating and design parameters for high efficiency and low NOx emissions showed a clear preference for lean burn. A major problem with lean burning is long burn durations resulting in both a performance penalty and high imep variability. A proven method for overcoming these issues is using the HAJI ignition system. The current work compares conventional and HAJI ignition systems for the goal of high efficiency and low NOx emission.

Keywords: HAJI, optimization, NOx, efficiency, low emission

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