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Measurement And Visualization Of Micro-brillianace Texture For Automobile Paint


Takahiro Tsubouchi - Toyota Motor Corporation
Minoru Ikeda - Toyota Motor Corporation
Susumu Umemura - Toyota Motor Corporation
Satoshi Kodama - Toyota Motor Corporation


The color variation for automobile exterior paint has been increasing according
to flake pigments application. To improve analytical development of colors, multi-angle color
measurement has been developed, also computer graphics has been utilized to visualize it. We
have a system based on multi-angle color spectrum data to visualize automobile paint color.
On this work, we would like to propose measurement and visualization for more accurate
color image by using micro-brilliance parameters. It will achieve more reliable virtual color
design and development with the system.
By using high gain CCD system, we can measure micro-brilliance texture more clearly. We
analyzed this result by histogram to calculate BS(ratio of Background Surface area) that is the
ratio of lower brightness area than AB(Average Brightness of all). About 51 silver metallic
samples, we measured BS and we evaluated visual rating of color expert and general users.
We found that the visual ratings of these are good correlate. And value of BS correlate to
visual rating between "smooth" and "glitter" these mean micro-brilliance texture. These mean
it is possible to measure visual rating of not only expert but also general user, and it is
important to measure micro-brilliance.
To visualize micro-brilliance, we have developed new logical procedure based on micro-brilliance
parameters from histogram analysis. On this logic we use layered system for each
data of three parts. Therefore the procedure has compatibility of average brightness. By using
this we simulate micro-brilliance image on computer graphics based on multi-angle color
spectrum data. As above, this system has compatibility of average color spectrum data. The
reality of rendered image improved.
This measuring and visualizing system makes virtual color design more accurate and reliable.
It will be achieved stronger relationship between design and technical research and

Keywords - Painting, Computer Graphics, Measurement, Micro-Brilliance, Flake Pigment

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