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Finite Element Model Verification Of Automotive Electronics Using Design Of Experiment


1 Jae-Eung Oh - School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
Won-Ho Kang - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University
Hae-Jin Lee - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University
Yong-Chan Ahn - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University
Won-Sik Park - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Hanyang University
Jung-Youn Lee - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyonggi University


A reliable and practical finite element modeling technique to predict the
lifetime of automotive electronics is important for engineers in reliability. In reliability
evaluation on the automotive electronics, most studies rarely used finite element model
verification process. The material properties and boundary conditions are very important
model parameters in this process to assure the reliability of the automotive electronics.
This study aims to develop a better and more accurate finite element model in order to
predict fatigue life of the automotive electronics using Virtual Qualification lifetime
assessment techniques. Also this paper presents a scheme for finding a main effect of control
factors such as material properties and boundary conditions affecting on the finite element
analysis results of the automotive elements using design of experiments (DOE). As a result,
finite element model of the automotive electronics is verified by comparison of the results
between finite element analysis and experiment.

Keywords - Virtual Qualification, Material properties, Boundary conditions, Finite
element analysis, Design of Experiments

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