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Nanocomposite Of System Carbon-Carbon. The Potential Possibilities In Transport Machinery


G.M.Volkov - MSTU “MAMI” (“Material Science” Department), Moscow
E.G.Volkova - MSTU “MAMI” (“Material Science” Department), Moscow


Power field of atoms located on border of phases sharply differs from an
energetic condition of atoms in a volume of substance. The atoms on a surface of the border
of phases have free valencies unbalanced by interaction with other atoms. At the certain
dimension of dispersed particles the influence of peripheral atoms on properties of substance
begins to prevail above the influence of internal atoms. This dimension, which we designate
as d cr., is a critical parameter of nanotechnology. Only smaller dimension dispersed particle
gets new properties and it is possible to consider it as the nanoparticle, and compact packing
of these particles - the nanomaterial.

D cr. of carbon in allotropic modification of graphite have been defined on a ratio of
indexes of free valency of their peripheral and internal atoms of carbon. As a matter of record
it makes about 10 nm.

The theoretical analysis and technological study allowed to create one-stage
nanotechnology. It provides simultaneous creation of particles and compacting them in a
monolithic material in an entire technological process. The composite consists of carbon
nanoparticles distributed in regular intervals in a carbon matrix. The research of a
representative sample of industrial batches of nanocomposite has shown the satisfactory
compliance of experimental value of d cr. of graphite with the theoretical data.

The nanocomposite surpasses 5 times best grades of antifrictional graphites in coefficient of
friction. These antifrictional properties are promising for transport mechanical engineering.

The nanocomposite has a unique combination of properties: it is chemically and
biologically inert, air and liquid impermeable, radiation resistant and surpasses any carbon
materials in cathode sputtering coefficient 15 times, in oxidizing resistance up to 300 times
and surpasses tungsten up to 50 times in high-temperature specific durability. The above
properties ensure functioning capability of advanced machines and devices.

The offered approach to solution of technological problems of nanomaterials, developed for
the carbon - carbon systems, can be used in creation of one-stage technology, relating to
nanosystems of a filler-matrix of other chemical composition.

Keywords - critical size of nanoparticle, one-stage nanotechnology

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