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Lightweight and High Strength Connecting-Rods using Titanium and Steel


Tsuyoshi Kubota - Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd
Hiroshi Yamagata - Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd


The possibility of fabricating the big end bore by fracture splitting (FS) of
titanium alloy (JIS-class61F) connecting-rods is discussed. The appropriate temperature and
strain rate for the FS were determined. The dimensional accuracy of the big end bore after
assembly was evaluated by the closed-in values. The comparison of titanium and steel showed
that the closed-in value of the FS titanium connecting-rod is much the same as that of the
machined carburized steel (JIS-SCM420) one. These observations demonstrated that the FS
titanium connecting-rod has the potential to realize a lower friction at the big end bore as well
as a lightweight design.

Keywords: Connecting rod, fracture splitting, titanium, closed-in, lightweight

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