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A Particle Velocity Based Method For Separating All Multi Incoherent Sound Sources


J.C.Winkel - Twente University
D.R.Yntema - Twente University
W.F.Druyvesteyn - Twente University Bree - Arnhem School of Automotive Engineering/ Microflown Technologies



In this paper we present a method to separate the contributions of different
uncorrelated sound sources to the total sound field. When the contribution of each sound source
to the total sound field is known, techniques with array-applications like direct sound field
measurements or inverse acoustics methods can directly be applied for each source.

The new technique makes use of surface velocity properties without measuring background
noise, using vector properties of the particle velocity whereas the sound pressure is a scalar. Our
paper discusses a new technique to obtain the contribution of each source from the measured total
sound field. The method includes the possibility to check if all source contributions are correctly
retrieved from the total sound field.

The experiments were performed with a new experimental particle velocity sensor processed in
thin film technology, able to measure four directions very close to the surface, from where the
three orthogonal directions can be deduced.

Keywords - particle velocity, incoherent sound sources, very near field, separating sources,
source contributions.

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