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An Intuitive Handheld Acoustic Noise Source Finder


D.R.Yntema - University of Twente, division EWI Bree - Microflown Technologies
J.G.A.M.van Heck - DAF Trucks N.V. (a Paccar company)



An apparatus has been developed to find acoustic sound sources in the near field
of a radiating object operating in a noisy environment. It is based on two orthogonally placed
particle velocity probes (two Microflowns[1], [2]). The complete signal processing is done in real
time with battery powered analogue circuitry, resulting in a very small and handheld
measurement device. One Microflown is used to display the sound level and to listen to the
source whilst rejecting the background noise and another Microflown is used to create a stereo
indication in which direction the device must be moved to pinpoint the noise source.

Keywords - noise source finder particle velocity

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