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Measurement of Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) In Vehicle Cabin - The Third Report


Masafumi Morimoto - ESPEC CORP.
Shin-ichi Tanabe - Waseda University
Kunihiro Hoshino - GL Sciences Inc.
Kouichi Tatsu - Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center, LTD.


The concern for the health damage, the so-called sick house syndrome, by
being exposed to the chemical for a long time has risen in the market. At the February 2005.
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association announced a voluntary action. "The air
concentration in the new passenger car´s cabin will make lower than the guideline value." The
targets are 13 substances those are declared by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Moreover, at the March 2006, they announced that the track and bus will care about air
concentration similar to passenger car. On the other hand, the plastic resin products were used
in the car cabin more than house conditions. So it has been detected a lot of SVOC materials
in car cabin. Moreover, the influence on the human body is not only an oral exposure of the
gaseous substance, but the passing skin exposure of a particulate material. Then we developed
collection and measurement method for SVOC substance that is used by glass plate in the
state of normal temperature. We call it GP method. This method referred to Fogging method.
That method is used by glass plate on the cooling device, and condense the gas material on
the glass plate. In this report, it reports on the result of examining GP method about the
condition to adjust to the chamber method. Moreover, it reports on the case measured with
actual samples by using GP method. As a result of the examination, we can use any size of
glass plate, but we have to care about the position and the direction of glass plate for the GP
method. Moreover, it has been understood that there is high sensitivity in GP method for the
high boiling point SVOC material not measured easily with Gas method.

Keywords - SVOC, Fogging, Chamber, Cabin Air Quality, Glass plate

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