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The Future of VII and a National its Infrastructure in the United States


David Acton - Connexis, LLC


The Integrated Network of Transportation Information (INTI), a major theme
of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America´s National ITS Program Plan, is the most
comprehensive perspective of a national transportation infrastructure. However, movement
toward a highway transportation "infostructure" that enhances safety, makes transport of
people and goods more seamless, and improves traveler information is slow. Some progress
toward development and deployment of the INTI is taking place in two government-supported
programs, the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative and the Real Time
Transportation Infrastructure Information System (RTTIIS). This paper will discuss the
current state of progress toward INTI, addressing VII and RTTIIS and the technologies and
applications being tested. It will also speak to important steps needed to elevate and align the
VII into a truly national solution.

Keywords - Vehicle, Infrastructure, Integration, Safety, Communications

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