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The Time-Series Fluctuation of Driver Attention - Estimation from the Specification of Eye Movement


Arakawa Toshiya - Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.
Matsuo Noriyoshi - Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.


Driver's state gets to transit from "excessive attention state" to "unfocused
attention state" with time-series, existence of a leading vehicle, adaptation to driving
condition such as in the urban or in the suburb and decreasing tension. This transition was
examined from the standpoint of eye movement. As the result, when a leading vehicle exists,
the variability of driver's eye gazing got to be large in time. This means that driver's process
resource concentrated on a leading vehicle at the beginning of driving but it concentrated on
both a leading vehicle and surrounding condition before the end of driving. In addition, it was
found that the difference "unfocused attention state" and "excessive attention state" was also
shown by the change of eye movement depended whether driver were driving in the urban
area or in the suburb. This means that driving condition made the distribution of process
resource change.

Keywords - driver attention state, eye gazing, eye movement, driving condition, process

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