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Comparisons between Predictions of Numerical Thermal Manikin Model and Experiments under Solar Radiation


Yoshiichi Ozeki - Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd.
Toru Takabayashi - Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd.
Kazuhiko Matsunaga - Isuzu Motors Ltd.
Mai Anamizu - Isuzu Motors Ltd.
Shin-ichi Tanabe - Waseda University


Two types of the numerical thermal manikin models are tested for substituting the evaluation
of the thermal manikin in the experiments. In method 1, the numerical control algorithm
inside the thermal manikin which is applied to the surface of the thermal manikin in the cabin
affecting the evaluation of the thermal manikin is studied under the condition of which air
temperature and surface temperature inside the cabin are given by the measurements. In
method 2, the prediction accuracy of air temperature by the CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) analysis inside the cabin affecting the evaluation of the thermal manikin is studied
under the condition of which measured surface temperature inside the cabin is fixed in
addition to the method 1. The skin temperature, heat loss and equivalent temperature
predicted by two methods are compared with the measurements by the thermal manikin in the
truck cabin under solar radiation. It is confirmed skin surface temperature, heat loss and
equivalent temperature of the body part predicted by the averaged convective heat transfer
coefficient of each body part and the numerical control algorithm inside the thermal manikin
which is applied to surface of the thermal manikin meet measurements quite well (method 1
). The skin surface temperature, heat loss and equivalent temperature of the body part can also
be predicted with enough accuracy by the CFD analysis under the condition of which
measured surface temperature inside the cabin is fixed (method 2 ). Since the combined heat
transfer coefficient is an important factor for the calculation of the equivalent temperature, it
must be determined how to calibrate the combined heat transfer coefficient in the numerical
thermal manikin.

Keywords - ISO/DIS-14505, Thermal manikin, Numerical prediction, Experiments, Solar radiation

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