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AGORA-C: Map-Based Location Referencing


Kees Wevers - NAVTEQ.
Teun Hendriks - ESI.
Meng Lu - RU Nijmegen.


This paper describes the AGORA-C method for map-based on-the-fly location
referencing. Different from TMC (Traffic Message Channel) location referencing based on
pre-coding of locations and location tables, the code is created when needed from a map
database in the sending system, transmitted in a message, decoded using the map database in
the receiving system, and then discarded. The presented method is a follow-up of earlier work
in the AGORA project, to improve code size and hit rate. The method now consists of a Core
Profile for traffic information and hazard warning applications, and an optional Extended
Profile for destination locations that may not be present in the receiving map database.
Extensive tests demonstrated a hit rate of ~98 % and an average code size not larger than 34
bytes, which is well below the generally agreed number of 50 bytes for maximum acceptable
average code size. The method is adopted for the TPEG (Transport Protocol Expert Group)
Automotive Protocol, which is under development.

Keywords - AGORA-C, location referencing, encode, decode, code size, hit rate

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