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The New Renault Trucks EURO3 / 4 dXi11 Engine


Ph.Gaillard - Renault Trucks Corporation
H. Emerard - Renault Trucks Corporation
Th. Villard - Renault Trucks Corporation
S. Michon - Renault Trucks Corporation



Diesel combustion , Heavy duty , Aftertreatment , SCR , Simulation


Having to comply with more and more stringent emission regulations, but also to satisfy always more challenging requests for reduced exploitation costs from the end customer, Renault Trucks Corporation developed a new 11 litre Heavy Duty Engine. The main drivers and technologies selected to develop the new dXi11 are presented , as well as its main technical characteristics and features. A systematic calculation approach is shown , permitting to develop , in a short time, a light , low CO2 , low emission , low noise , efficient and robust modern engine. This engine introduces a new architecture and new component technologies to improve even more engine reliability and performances compared to previous engine generation , namely the dCi11 [1] and [2]. Thanks to consistent architecture and technology choices, this platform meets today Euro 3 and Euro 4 emission regulations, but is also ready for Euro 5 levels, that Renault Trucks offers to its customers yet . More specifically , the new dXi11 engine is designed to cope with very high peak cylinder pressure and very high injection pressure for high BMEP , low BSFC , and low acoustic emission , even at the coming stringent emissions levels . Its architecture is based on a fully electronic controlled high pressure unit injectors to allow multiple injections and high timing accuracy. The cylinder-head is developed for high stiffness , high cooling capacity and improved air flow . The Power Cylinder Unit is designed to improve scuffing resistance and piston stiffness in order to increase power density and reliability while reducing oil consumption and friction losses. The stiff rear distribution leads to reduced noise emission while enhancing engine compression brake performances. The SCR After treatment technology has been selected by Renault Trucks.

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