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Quality’s Assurance, Compulsory Condition for Motor Vehicles Maintenance Processes Optimization


PhD. Student Dan Ciubancan
Prof. Eugen Negrus


In order to realize the maintenance processes optimization, one of the principal conditions is to assure an adequate quality.

The paper proposes the following objectives: the identification of defects' classification system, the determination of the types of inspections of quality , conception of some flow diagrams on quality's control, the establishment of some categories of quality's costs and its improvement possibilities, with the purpose of maintenance processes optimization, costs' of exploitation reduction and, implicit, motor vehicles utilization' s growing.

The maintenance processes' quality assurance is realized through control exercise by the line inspectors and/orthe final control inspectors. It's recommended that they are attested inspectors for Periodical Technical Inspection effectuation

The data delivered by inspectors can facilitate the improvement of the technological process and realize a selection of purveyors in accordance with exchange pieces quality and delivered materials .

Relying on inspection's feedback a diagnoses analysis of the maintenance system can be realized and one is able to intervene in its conception, but also in its execution mode.

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