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CAD-PLM Integration Using the WebDAV Protocol


Dinu Covaciu
Ion Preda
Vasile Câmpian
Ovidiu-Vasile Câmpian


Keywords: PLM, CAD, WebDAV, DASL, versioning.

Product Lifecycle Management or PLM is a term used for managing the entire product lifecycle, from its conception, through design and manufacture to service and disposal/recycling. A mechanical CAD and PLM integration enables the PLM system to manage CAD design objects (assemblies, parts, drawings, etc.), to control the access to them, to track changes and to maintain the appropriate relationships between the CAD objects and the PLM's product structure. WebDAV is a protocol dedicated to versioning and authoring, a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. This paper presents a CAD-PLM integration method using this protocol, and a tool developed based on this method.

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