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Analysis of Noise Level into a Monocylindrical Diesel Engine when is Fueled with Different Blends of Biodiesel and Petrodiesel


Tutunea Dragos
Bica Marin


Keywords: noise, ,biodiesel, petrodiesel, sonometer, cetan number

In this paper we analyzed the performance of different blens of biodiesel and petrodiesel on a monocylindrical diesel engine. Biodiesel reduces the classic diesel engine "knocking" noise. Biodiesel has a higher cetane number, which means that biodiesel fuel will ignite more easily in a diesel engine while also reducing engine noise. Common first impressions when using a high-ratio blend of biodiesel include reduced engine noise and a smoother engine. For this we use two type of fuel at different blends measuring the level of noise in four distinct points at 1 m of the engine with a sonometer

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