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The Diffusion Combustion Induced by the High Voltage Electrical Discharge
- The Influence of Fuel Property on Combustion Behavior -


Yohsuke Takeshita - Graduate School, Nihon University
Koji Yoshida - College of Science and Technology, Nihon University


A new diffusion combustion method characterized by plasma jet ignition is proposed. In this new diffusion combustion, the fuel is injected and ignited by the high-voltage electrical discharge, so this combustion method can be applied for various fuels which have different ignitability. Tests were carried out with seven fuels by using a combustion bomb. When a small orifice was used, fuels which had branched chain molecular structure were hardly ignited. In case of large orifice, all test fuels were surely ignited, and the maximum combustion pressures of branched chain structure molecular fuels were higher than those of straight chain structure molecular fuel.

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