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Optimal Motorcycle Configuration with Performance Limitations


Moriyuki Sakamoto – Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Sadao Kubo - Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Tetsuya Kubota - Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Tadashi Inukai - Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Eiichi Yagi – Wakayama University


Motorcycle configurations, such as CG (center of gravity) location, have come to be fixed to the current ones by trial and error since motorcycle was born. Generally motorcycles´ ratio of CG height to wheelbase is relatively higher than four-wheel cars´. We have analyzed the optimal motorcycle CG location with relatively simple formulas, which we have derived to calculate the maximum acceleration with three performance limitations and calculate the maximum speed and the shortest time to run through a course. The results show that the calculated speed is significantly close to actual sport motorcycle´s and that the optimal CG locations for various courses are bounded in a certain limited area which is near actual sport motorcycle´s.

Keywords: Motorcycle, Vehicle Dynamics, Configuration, Center of Gravity

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