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Application of Laser Doppler Anemometry Technique
to Flow Field Visualization and Analysis into a
Turbocharged Diesel Engine Air Intake System


Kévin Robert - Renault
Cathy Batisson-Saliou - Renault
Béatrice Patte-Rouland - CNRS CORIA UMR 6614 Pierre Paranthoen - CNRS CORIA UMR 6614



Challenges facing the Diesel engine are to reduce strongly exhaust gas emissions and fuel consumption. Exhaust gas recirculation control and aftertreatment devices control require an accurate mass air flow measurement. This article describes an original experimental study based on a non-intrusive 2D-laser Doppler anemometry technique applied inside the air intake system of recent turbocharged Diesel engine. The objective of this study is to analyse the air velocity field inside the mass air flow sensor by demonstrating the influence on air flow velocity distribution of the HFM upstream devices geometry and of the engine running state parameters. Results have shown the strong correlation between crank-angle resolved velocity distribution and air mass sensor upstream shape. Moreover, results have revealed that flowrate profile depends more on engine speed than on EGR valve opening, although this distribution depends on VGT compressor speed.

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