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Request Evaluation Passenger Transport


Victor Bratu, Ion Tabacu - University Of Pitesti


The transport is an essential element in the most activities of our society. Therefore, it must be tackled with policy at all levels, from the overall (i.e. United Nations) to the City Councils. A major importance is solving the dilemma between the policies oriented to increase, which tends to generate more transport and the environmental policies, which require the reduction of emissions. These can be difficult to fulfill if technological development to reduce emissions are outweighed by the increase of transport. Public transport wants to improve continually his performance by meeting the citizen’s need and expectations, through high quality of public transport by implementing, maintaining and improving an Integrated Management System: Quality, Environment, Health and Safety, Social Responsibility, information security etc. Model formalizes request for driver choice: the decision to make or not moving for a reason or purpose, destination travel, means of conveyance and route traveled in a time reference. The model can be defined as a schematic and simplified representation of a complex reality in order to quantification, representations made by the relationships between relevant variables phenomenon.

Mathematically, such a model can have the following form:

dsodmkh = dsoh · Psoh (d) · Psodh (m) · Psodmh (k)


• dsodmkh - number of visits made to a particular purpose (s) of origin (a) bound for (d) using mode of transport (m) and route (k) a reference time (h) .

• dsoh - number of trips generated for a particular purpose (s), area of origin (a) the period considered (h).

• Psoh (d) - the probability of choosing a particular destination (d), for some reason considered (s), from an origin (a), the time interval (h).

• Psodh (m) - the probability of choosing a particular transport mode (m) to reach the destination (d), starting from the origin (o), the time interval (h).

• Psodmh (k) - the probability of choosing the route (k), relative to the module (m), originating (a) to destination (d), and the purpose (s).

Although elections are interdependent, each taking place simultaneously, the analytical and statistical treatment considerations are adopted separation of global demand in models interconnected, each model referring to a certain level of choice. Model with this structure is known as the "model of partial choice or four-stage model" Keywords: Transport, networks, system, methods, passenger.

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