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An Experimental Investigation Of A Hydrogen Fuelled Spark Ignition Engine


Victor Pantile1, Constantin Pana, Niculae Negurescu, Alexandru Cernat - “Politehnica” University, Bucharest


The high level of pollution due to internal combustion engines has led to numerous studies on alternative fuels. Hydrogen can be used as an alternative fuel for spark ignition engines due to its excellent combustion properties. The paper presents experimental researches regarding the use of hydrogen in S.I. engines. The effective power, brake thermal efficiency and pollutant emissions are analyzed and compared with the gasoline fuelled engine. The tests were carried out on an experimental mono-cylinder engine with normal admission system, three valves: one air inlet valve, one hydrogen inlet valve and one exhaust valve. From the researches made, hydrogen proves to be an excellent fuel for S.I. engines which can be used under safe conditions in internal combustion engines.

Keywords: hydrogen, internal combustion engine, emissions, experimental research

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