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Theoretical Studies On Pressure Pulsations In The Injection Systems Pipelines For Internal Combustion Engines


Mircea Radulescu, Ilie Dumitru, Stefan Caramavru -Universitatea Din Craiova


Developments and especially modernizations of supply systems with fuel to internal combustion engines quickly succeeded each other (taking as example only the spark-ignition engine, different technical jumps from fuel utilization- light fractions to direct injection solutions) and there were also developed the researches regarding non-stationary hydro-mechanical which appear in the pump injector connection type lines. A special interest is represented by the determination of time and space variation laws and of power output.

Hydro-mechanical non-stationary researches which occur in the injection systems pipelines for internal combustion engines have a high importance due to their complexity and considering the stringent requirements about the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. Adopting very high values of pressure, fulfillment of restrictions imposed by EURO 4 and EURO 5 represent basic requirements whose compliance are conditioned by adopting effective dosing and combustion methods.

Starting from the pressure pulsations and oscillations in hydraulic pipelines there are proposed mathematical models for the injection pump, the power line and injector to establish an optimal option for an injection system, starting from an original solution for dividing the injection feature, based on the execution of a circular channel with rectangular section at the top of piston plunger, whose channel width  and whose position is determined by the parameters of the injection in two stages. One will take into consideration the physical mechanical and dynamic properties of light liquid fuel, especially, taking into account the influence of his compressibility on flow source’s performances (injection pump).

Keywords: injection systems, pressure pulsations and oscillations

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