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Trio a Modern City Micro Car Family Concept


Laurentiu Manea - “Ovidius” University, Constanta
Adriana Manea - “Ovidius” University, Constanta


People want a new way of city life. One of the most logical solutions is to encourage citizens to buy smaller, more economical car models. Because we think that in the future the State and all organizations involved in promoting and sustaining long-run durable society growth should encourage the development of low-displacement vehicles, we propose, in this work, a real experimental model of a city type family micro car prototype that is, in the actual ecological and economical world trend, very actual. We made it by ourselves as a large team project, to prove that it is possible to put in practice theoretical aims and to show, together - students, professors, specialists and sponsors- that even if we are only at the beginning WE CARE.

Keywords: microcar, sustainable development

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