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Reliability Distribution Simulation


Nicolae Filip - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


In the paper are presented the results obtained by the author regarding the possibilities to simulate the most significant reliability distributions used for evaluate the car life cycle. Using MathLAB soft the work carried consist in the soft design for verify the most appropriate distribution low which assure a complete description of the test cycle performed in order to evaluate the reliability. An exemplification of the test, consist in the car cockpit door reliability evaluation. The designed program assures the correspondence of the evaluation according with Gauss Laplace, Weibull, Exponential and Gamma Distributions. The program interface assures the data inputs for maximum 150 values and mathematical or graphic printable results. An option consists in the possibility to save the calculated parameters in a different folder renamed from the current work folder of the soft.

Keywords: test, cycle, distribution, Weibull, statistic, parameters.

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