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Automation Tool for Reading the Structure of a CATProduct


Dinu Covaciu - Transilvania University of Braşov
Dragoş Dima - Transilvania University of Braşov


CATIA V5 is a basis tool for integrating the activities of people, machines, methods and resources inside an enterprise. Some of the domains covered by this CAD system are: mechanical design, surface modeling, product synthesis, technological design, analyses, concurrent engineering and product management (PDM). CATIA is the main part of the PLM solution offered by Dassault Systemes. CATScript is the simplest and fastest way for developing custom applications in CATIA. The result is a "macro", which can run under the graphical interface offered by CATIA or externally, in batch mode. A product in CATIA is associated with an assembly and is organized in a tree structure. This paper presents an application which "read" a product (CATProduct) and identifies all of his components (CATParts) then saves in a text file the names of the parts and their level inside the assembly. The program runs in batch mode, outside the CATIA environment.

Keywords: PLM, CAD, CATIA, CATProduct, automation

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