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Possibilities of Growing the Vehicular Traffic Flow Passing Through Traffic Light Signal Controlled Intersection


Mihai Pintilei - MAI, Road Police Depart
Radu Gaiginschi - Technical University “Gh. Asachi”
Radu Drosescu - Technical University “Gh. Asachi”
Lidia Gaiginschi - Technical University “Gh. Asachi”
Adrian Sachelarie - Technical University “Gh. Asachi”


This paper relates to a new method proposed by the authors to enhance the vehicular flow after the moment when the traffic light signal changes from red to green. This method can be very useful in intersections characterized by high traffic flows, especially in big cities agglomeration, and is based on a synchronous starting of the vehicles after the traffic light changes, in a similar fashion like a rail cars. The key feature is the maintaining equally speeds and distances between the platoon moving vehicles.

Keywords: vehicular, flow, intersection, compact platoon, traffic, fluency.

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