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Analyze of Road Traffic on the Transit Routes within Pitesti City


Alexandru Boroiu - University of Pitesti
Viorel Nicolae - University of Pitesti
Ion Dobrescu - University of Pitesti
Cristian Soare - University of Pitesti


Pitesti city is crossed by important traffic flows, creating a high density of traffic in the downtown, so it is interesting to model the transit traffic flows and to analyze the road traffic on the routes entering in the downtown.

There were achieved data concerning the traffic on the transit route Campulung - Dragasani, during a working day and a non-working day. For processing these data we used proper indicators, the indicators of motion time distribution variation on the analyzed route having a innovator character.

The study revealed a high variability of the motion time during non-working days, and low values for the average motion speeds in any day of the week. This shows that there are resources for road traffic improvement, even in the conditions of the existing road network.

Keywords: road traffic, route, motion time, variation indicators.

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