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Using Bio-Fuels and Sustainable Economic Development Chalenges in Romania


Adriana-doina Ispas - Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Brasov
Nicolae Ispas - Transilvania University of Brasov


Protecting the environment is essential for the quality of life of current and future generations as well as for economic growth. Given that the Earth´s natural resources and the manmade environment are under pressure from growing population, urbanisation, continuous expansion of the agriculture, transport and energy sectors, as well as climate variability and warming at local, regional and global scales, the challenge facing the Romania is to ensure continuous and sustainable growth while at the same time reducing negative environmental impacts. The aim of his paper is to analyze the economic challenge, economic costs and agricultural impact in Romania into increasing biofuel using conditions.

Keywords: biofuels, biodiesel, sustainable development, environment protection, economic growth, SWOT analysis.

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