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Increasing Active Security of Heavyduty Vehicles using the Active Security System ESP (Electronic Security Program)


Florin Mariasiu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Adrian Todorut - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Istvan Barabas - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Liana Plaian - “Transilvania” Technical College of Transportation


In the last decade a large number of road accidents are commited trough losing the vehicles control in critical traffic conditions and factors (human factor, time of day, road condition, technical status of vehicle etc.). This issue impose the development and the implementation of active security systems on heavyduty vehicles. The active security system ESP help the driver to maintaned the desired route in any traffic conditions and the standard implementation in construction of heavyduty and commercial vehicles is a basic and important element to reduce the number of road accidents, according to European Program E-Safety.

Keywords : active security system, road traffic security

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