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The Energetic Analyse of the System Tractor-Agriculture Machine used for the Preparation of the Soil for Sowing


Augustin Constantinescu - University of Craiova
Gheorghe Popa - University of Craiova
Ilie Dumitru - University of Craiova


In the paper it is presented a study from the energetic point of view of the system made up from articulated tractor with integrate drive, and four equal driving wheels, T195-1U and the combiner for the preparation of the germinated soil, ACPG-3. There are established elements which influence on the process of working for the technical system considered and it is projected the dynamic and energetic model, of this mobile combiner.

Finally, it is calculated the energetic balance of the system with help of the energetic model presented, including, the mathematics equations, off the all forms of energy which moves during the process of working.

Keywords: The energetic study, tractor agriculture machine system, soil for sowing

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