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Endurance and Dynamic Decrease Capacity of Internal Combustion Engine


Stefanita Ciunel - University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics
Bebe Tica - University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics
Florentin Popescu - University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics


Fall of power internal combustion ignite, increase fuel combustion and grease (mineral oil or synthetic), increase grade of concentration fume in exhaust gases, etc, depend, in a important measure by consistency wear of kinematics couples from engine machineries. Analyze wear process of pieces from internal combustion engine, in real conditions of exploitations, show that between wear pieces measure, effective power Pe, and particular consumption ce there are establish strict statistical relations.The most important influence on variation of parameters Pe and ce is run-out of cylinder liner -superior ring-piston, and distribution mechanism pieces (especially profile cam of camshaft). These paper shows in a dynamic studies fluctuation of performances of power and economic of internal combustion ignite with wear characteristic pieces.

Keywords: fuel combustion, engine, performances of power

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