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Calculus for Matching a Pressure Wave Supercharger with an Internal Combustion Engine


Marius Hirceaga - “Transilvania” University, Brasov
Gheorghe-Alexandru Radu - “Transilvania” University, Brasov


The following paper presents an analytical method for calculating the requirements of a Pressure Wave Supercharger (PWS) or Comprex®, when it is used for boosting the air inlet pressure in order to gain more power for an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). The PWS is a non-steady flow device that enables the rise of the air pressure with help of non-stationary wave phenomena. Like the Turbocharger (TC), it uses some of the energy of the exhaust gases to increase the air inlet pressure, but with greater efficiency and no turbo lag. The main disadvantage of this device is the difficulty in matching the speed and load requirements of the ICE with the complex behavior of the pressure waves inside the PWS.

Keywords: Comprex®, shock wave, rotor, inlet / outlet ports, wave speed

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