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Reducing Environment Pollution by Treating the End of Life Vehicles (ELV), an Actual Problem of our European Integration


Florian Ivan - University of Pitesti
Viorel Nicolae - University of Pitesti
Tiberiu Macarie - University of Pitesti
Gheorghe Crivac - University of Pitesti


This paper presents the problem of treating the End of Life Vehicles (ELV), with particularization to the Romanian light vehicles park. It is presented a detailed statistical analyze of the Romanian national automotive park , emphasizing some characteristics concerning the age and the technical state, the distribution on automotive types, implications connected with environment pollution and how must be treated these vehicles after their end of life. The authors paid attention to the necessity of solving the problem of treating the ELV, in the context of Romanian integration in European Union.

Keywords: ELV, pollution, environment, Romanian automotive park.

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