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On Energetics of Cars Fuel Pumps


Victor Benche - Transilvania University of Brasov
Angel Huminic - Transilvania University of Brasov
Gabriela Huminic - Transilvania University of Brasov


The paper deals with the hydraulic processes on fuel feeding system of the road vehicles from economic point of view. In this sense, there are studied the transient flows through the supply duct, between fuel tank and feeding pump, in accelerated motions of the vehicles.

Are defined some dimensionless coefficients which are characterizing the flow and the dependences between them, the dynamic of fuel stream being approached from energetic point of view.

The study offers an analytical base to estimate the performances the fuel pumps and is emphasized by means of a numerical example. This calculus permits comparative studies, options and opportunities concerning functional and constructive optimizations.

Keyworks: car, fuel pump, variable flow, optimization

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