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Research System for Evaluating Fuel Economy of Automobiles with Petroleum Injection


Beloev Hristo
Bekana Daniel - University of Ruse
Stancheva Nedka - University of Ruse
Stanchev Dimiter - University of Ruse


Research fuel supplying and measuring system was built for testing fuel consumption and fuel economy of mobile machines with petroleum injecting engine (GPАR). The scheme (fig.1) allows regulating the flow rate and pressure of the supplied fuel in wide range, which corresponds to the existing in practice machines.

Using the presented scheme the system - GPАR was constructed and laboratory and road conducted experimental research work for fuel consumption measuring equipment and automobiles with petroleum injecting engine. The measuring characteristics of the fuel meters and economical characteristics of passenger cars were resaved. The results from this research shows, that the system can be used for laboratory and roar research. The scheme has little overall dimensions and mass. Its mistake is under 1% and it is convenient for use in practice conditions.

Keywords: Petroleum engine, Injecting fuel, Fuel Economy Research, Fuel consumption

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