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Formation of Valve Deposits using Euro Premium Unleaded Gasoline


Dušan Nestorović - d.d. Zastava Automobili
Dragoslava Stojiljković - Mašinski fakultet Beograd
Milan Radovanović - Mašinski fakultet Beograd



During the last decade the composition of unleaded gasoline in the European Union has changed significantly. The content of sulfur and benzene was reduced and aromatic compounds and olefins were limited. In the future, related to gasoline quality, special attention will be directed towards reduction of the olefin and aromatic compound content and also evaporation characteristics (E70 - evaporation at 70 °C and FBP - final evaporation temperature). Besides that research should include possible reduction of CO emission (directly influenced by fuel consumption). For European passenger vehicles the requirement of CO emission of 140 g/km should be met starting with 2008. 22In Serbia, quality of liquid fuels, inlcuding gasoline is regulated by appropriate nationa standards and Regulations on technical and other requirements for liquid fuel originating from oil. The latest Regulation published in Official Gazette number 51/2004 defined the Euro Premium BMB 95 quality, whose characteristics satisfied requirements of the JUS EN 228 standard. Validation of Euro Premium BMB 95 gasoline was performed in the Institute for vehicles and on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. This paper presents only part of the results referring to the investigation of the influence of this type of gasoline on deposit formation on engine intake parts using a modified CEC F-04-A-87 test.

Keywords: gasoline, unleaded, deposits, engine, CEC

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