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Alternative Fuels: Influence to Environment


Petković Snežana - Faculty of Mehanical Engineering, Banja Luka
Boran Pikula - Faculty of Mehanical Engineering, Sarajevo



Energy crisis has been felt in the last few years more than ever before. The European energy anticipation is that the use of energy in transport will increase by 17% until 2010, i.e. by around 50% until 2030, and that with the same percentage will increase the production of carbon-dioxide, which is one of the most significant causes of green-house effect. Many developed countries, particularly the USA, taking into account the decreasing oil reserves, are preparing to alleviate the impact of shortages and crises in supplies of this energy-generating product by turning to their own alternative sources of energy. Bearing in mind that 75% of the EU population lives in urban areas, special emphasis should be placed on more efficient transport in these areas. This study will present the possibilities of the implementation of alternative fuels in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will analyze the present condition of vehicle fleet as well as the present condition of infrastructure for gas supply and the future needs. The study will also present the possibilities to implement strategies carried out in the world, and particularly in the EU for the promotion of ecologically acceptable transport in urban areas in the Republic of Srpska.

Keywords: Transportation, Ecology, Alternative fuels

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