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Comparison Analyze On The Theoretical Mechanic Mathematical Models, Describing Arm Suspensions


Lilo Kunchev - Technical University - Sofia
Georgi Yanachkov - Technical University - Sofia



In the work are discussed possibilities for obtaining the motion´s low about suspended and non suspended masses in the element of a car. Using the methods of classical and vector mechanic are build three mechanical models of one arm suspension. The models describe the behavior of equivalent masses positioned over one of the axle (in this case it is front axle). The numerical experiment on three mechanical models use dates for the programs (masses, elasticity, geometry etc.) obtained by nature experiment on a car middle class. The results from numerical experiments gives possibilities to compare frequencies, translation functions and square average acceleration of the masses. The results are closed. In the paper are analyzed advantages to apply one or other model in the specific situation.

Keywords: dynamic models, vibration, ride comfort, comfort tests

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